The Resource Round-Up For Business Owners and Creatives
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Business Tools for Bossing Up
Ever wonder about the tools you need to start a business or build a website? With so many platforms out there, it can be overwhelming to start. I've rounded up the top tools that I use in my own business, and that I truly love.
Design Made Easy
Branding and Design is a skill and talent that can take years to hone. However, there are many amazing tools that can help you as you try to tackle the creative world. I’ve rounded up my favourite beginner-friendly creative tools for you.
Songs to Get Creative To
From getting you out of creative block and into the creative zone, to working from your local coffee shop, to the ultimate amp up anthems for when you’re putting a few too many hours in at your desk.
Business Tools for Bossing Up
Design Made Easy
Songs to Get Creative To.
From getting you out of creative block and into the creative zone, to working from your local coffee shop, to the ultimate amp up anthems for when you’re putting a few too many hours in at your desk.
Looking for even more music inspo? Follow along with Angie’s Spotify journey for all moods, and all times of day.